A single answer to
all your questions

Managing a finance department can seem an easy job for many, but according to the
national work-related disease register, compiled by the AMC - Academic Medical
Center in Amsterdam, employees in the financial services, are the most vulnerable to
work-related health problems due to stress and burn-out.
Considering that over 40% of work-related illness has a psychiatric basis, running
your own financial department is a source of risks and costs than Fidem Finance
helps to reduce.
If years ago, outsourcing required important investments in I.T. and it was a viable
option only for large companies, nowadays, due to the many digital tools available,
many entrepreneurs enjoy various positive aspects of outsourcing bookkeeping and
accounting services.
Clients who outsource their financial administration reduce their costs without
compromising the quality and always have their information and financial data
available online.
Fidem Finance increases your profits
Fidem Finance increases your profit by reducing costs related to:
- Hiring
- Training
- Office space
- Office equipment
- Benefits - salary raises
- Paid holiday
- Maternity/paternity leave
- Travel costs
- Employee taxes
- Health issues
Fidem Finance is your advisor
Based on our experience from multiple clients, we provide advice on how to make accounting more efficient. Whether it concerns taxes, accounting software or providing financial advice.

Fidem Finance offers you a professional team
with a higher level of expertise at an affordable price
With Fidem Finance you get a team of professionals for a fixed price, not just one person to deal with different kind of tasks.
You will also get an access to a professional network that can support you in managing your company
and reaching your goals faster.

Automation and digital technology

Fidem Finance offers you flexibility
If you already have a financial department, but you need an extra employee you have to start with the hiring process and training before being fully functional and this can take a long time and affect your operations, moreover, it is expensive and increases your overall risks and costs, due to a higher number of employees.
With Fidem Finance you can scale your services significantly without any delay.
For example, if you need 1 or 2 employees for your bookkeeping and accounting tasks, you can easily add Fidem Finance services.
It will feel like you have a new employee but one remote from our office in Amsterdam.
Schedule your free appointment today!

Tax Planning
Tax Declarations
Financial Statements
HR & Payroll
Management Support
Oil Trading
Real Estate
IT & Software
Professional Services
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